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CAPTCHA 4WP changelog
This is the plugin’s changelog, which is mainly a detailed list of all the plugin changes and bug fixes introduced in every version update. Refer to the plugin release notes for a high level overview of what is new and improved with every plugin version update. (2024-03-26) – Premium only
- Adjusted the UI of the new Geoblocking settings to cater for overlapping in smaller resolutions.
- Improved the text in the Geoblocking settings for better readability.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: “Please solve CAPTCHA” error still showing when form is successfully submitted on CF7 and when using V3 + V2 reCAPTCHA.
- Fixed: Unable to submit form when using reCAPTCHA v3 on legacy starter plan.
7.5.0 (2024-03-19)
New features
- Geoblocking for website forms: Block submission of forms or comments based on countries.
- Geoblocking for WordPress comments: Block comments, send comments to spam, mark comments for moderation based on the country of origin.
Plugin improvements
- The “Settings & Placements” page has been redesigned for a more spacious and visually pleasing appearance.
- Additional wizard configuration steps have been implemented to allow users to easily activate captcha when setting up the plugin.
- Applied enhanced labeling and terminology throughout the plugin, also addressing some grammar issues.
- Internal links within the plugin have been adjusted, including updates to URLs directing users to the new pricing page.
- Introduced an option to enable Signup form protection on multisite installations.
- Notices for site administrators in multisite networks have been improved for clarity.
- Updated the minimum required PHP version for the plugin from 7.2 to 7.4 to ensure compatibility with current standards.
Bug fixes
- Resolved an edge case issue preventing login to sites using the WooCommerce login form.
- Corrected a minor CSS problem with the V2 Invisible method, preventing the captcha logo from appearing within the login form container.
- Fixed an edge case scenario where users could become stuck within the configuration wizard.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the plugin was installed on site with PHP 7.2 or lower.
7.4.1 (2024-02-01)
Plugin improvements
- Improved the readability of some UI text and help text.
- Updated the spacing / text positioning in the UI to improve UX.
- Ugpraded the Freemius SDK to 2.6.2.
- Added support for the new plans and prices.
7.4.0 (2023-12-20)
New features
- Added Support for Ninja Forms.
- Added Support for Fluent Forms.
- Added Support for Formidable Forms.
- Added Support for Everest Forms.
- reCAPTCHA V2 checkbox, CloudFlare Turnstile and hCaptcha can now disable a forms submit button until CAPTCHA is validated.
- Added new setting to control submissions if no CAPTCHA value/field is found.
- Improved help text and prompts for better user experience when setting up the plugin.
- * Cloudflare Turnstile languages are now supported.
- * V3 + V2 Fallback – V2 Checkbox now adheres to size/styling settings.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where CAPTCHA checkbox would not appear on v3 failure with BuddyPress v3 to V2 fallback.
- Fixed an edge case issue which could cause comments to be submitted without CAPTCHA validation on BuddyPress + v2 Checkbox.
- Fixed issue where Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA box exceeds width of WP Core forms.
- Fixed issue in reCAPTCHA v3 + v2 Fallback caused by missing jetpack_sso var.
- Fixed logic issue in Whitelisting URLs which would cause whilelisting to fail if visitor uses the whitelisted URL + an argument (e.g. was being ignored).
- Fixed issue where successful registration would not be forward to the confirmation page correctly when using reCAPTCHA v2 with Buddyboss.
- Fixed issue where multiple captcha failed messages may appear on failed submission whe using V3 to V2 fallback on WPForms.
- Fixed PHP 8.2 Error within certain multisite registration forms.
- Fixed CSS issue which can partially hide the checkbox when using WPForms and reCAPTCHA v2.
- Fixed logic issue when switching between Premium and Free editions.
- Fixed issue which would cause ‘sent’ message to be hidden when using reCAPTCHA v2 on Contact Form 7.
7.3.1 (2023-08-14)
- Improved help text and prompts for better user experience when setting up the plugin.
Bug fixes
- Fixed fatal error related to a non-static method when using a custom login form.
- Fixed PHP warning when updating the plugin due to and SDK location update.
7.3.0 (2023-08-10)
New features
- Added support for hCaptcha (Always Challenge) service
- Added support for Cloudflare Turnstile service
- Setting to purge the plugin’s database files on plugin uninstall
- Improved licensing and activation mechanism on Multisite networks – admin is now able to choose to enable CAPTCHA at network lever or on individual subsites.
- Adding further help text for 3rd party form plugins and the new captcha providers.
- Improved help text and settings messages within admin pages & wizards.
- Improved wizard UI/UX and added logic to validate better site keys and secret keys used in captcha configurations.
- Improved build infrastructure by refactoring code to a more modular approach.
Bug fixes
- V3: Fixed a JS error which can prevent users from submitting a payment while checking out on WooCommerce.
- V3 + BuddyPress – Fixed a JS problem which was sometime preventing users form adding new groups.
- V3: fixed an error which was preventing users from logging in on the Checkout page (WooCoommerce).
- V3 – V2 failback – Fixed an error that was causing captcha challenge to not prompt for users trying to log in via the Checkout page (woocommerce).
- V3 – V2 failback – Fixed an error that was preventing users from adding a new group (Buddypress).
- V3 – V2 failback – Fixed an error that was preventing the captcha challenge from showing up when there was a false positive (Buddypress registration form).
- V3 – V2 failback – Fixed an error that was preventing users from posting new comments or replies (Buddypress Comments form).
- V2 Invisible – Fixed an error that was preventing users from posting new comments and replies (Buddypress Comments form).
- V2 Checkbox – Fixed a JS error that was causing the users to be able to comment without solving the captcha challenge (Buddypress Comments form).
- Fixed some edge case problems with the licensing system when the license was disconnected and reconnected from the plugin.
- Fixed a problem with a plugin setting which was causing Users and Roles not to be properly excluded from captcha.
- V3 – V2 failback – Fixed some JS errors which were preventing users from paying using Paypal and Stripe payment gateways.
- Contact Form 7: V3 – V2 failback – Fixed a small error that was preventing the CF7’s form confirmation message from being hidden right away after submit.
- Fixed an error that could have caused a PHP fatal error when admin had settings enabled related to failed logins.
- V3 – V2 failback – Fixed an error that was preventing users from registering to the website via the WooComemrce form.
- V2 Invisible – Fixed an error that was preventing users from placing an order if the captcha position was “Above Checkout button”.
- V2 Invisible – Fixed a JS error that could prevent users from creating new Buddypress groups.
- V2 – V2 Failback – Adjusted CSS for WordPress core forms in order to prevent the captcha box from getting out of frame.
- Fixed an edge case when the user was unable to log in if the captcha configuration was removed from the site.
- Fixed an edge case where a license expired notice message was showing when the captcha version was changed/reconfigured.
- Fixed some JS errors which were preventing V2 Invisible configurations from being set up in the wizard.
- Fixed some PHP errors which could trigger a fatal error once user downloads the system information file.
- Fixed the position of the third-party forms “how to” paragraphs in the Settings and Placements page.
- Fixed various JS errors which were preventing user from removing captcha configurations.
- Fixed WordPress notice in the previous version on the Plugins page – “Notice: Fix: error in PHP version 7.4”.
- Fixed an edge case when installing Gravity Forms along with Captcha 4WP could cause a PHP error.
7.2.3 (2023-07-05)
- Improved UX for IP input field in Settings & Placements
- Improved UX for failed login settings
- Improved input validation for IPs and numerical fields.
Other improvements
- Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version (addressing a security issue).
7.2.2 (2023-06-06)
- Adding further help text for 3rd party form plugins.
- Improved help text and settings messages within admin pages & wizards.
- Improved UX when settings are disabled.
Bug fixes
- V3: Fixed JS error causing issues with password reset attempts.
- System information can now be downloaded in the help area.
7.2.1 (2023-05-11)
New features & functionality
- Added check for ‘path’ during check for REST request which returns false if no path is found and can be overriden via filter ‘c4wp_is_rest_request_no_path_found’
Bug fixes
- Jetpack + V3: Fixed issue causing CAPTCHA to return false when logging in.
- PHP 7.2 Compatibility: Fixed small PHP errors within settings when running PHP 7.2.
- General PHP improvements: Fixed error caused by method not declared as static.
7.2.0 (2023-04-27)
release notes:
New features & functionality
- CAPTCHA failure fallback system: V3 now has a fallback option when the initial check fails: choose between redirecting to another page or show a V2 “I am not a robot checkbox”.
- First time install wizard to guide users through setting up the Google reCAPTCHA etc.
- Google reCAPTCHA configuration shown in the UI / plugin settings.
- Changing of existing reCAPTCHA configuration is now all done via wizard.
- Google reCAPTCHA keys validation – all keys are validated within the admin area to ensure the correct details have been provided
- New WPML config file for WPML support (translations).
- Support for WooCommerce HPOS so user can activate the feature without hinderance.
- WooCommerce support – improved overall form handling to ensure less friction with 3rd party scripts.
- In WPForms editor the plugin\’s message is shown in the correct place when editing posts via Gutenberg.
- V2 Checkbox – The field now resets itself should it expire due to lack to user input.
- Improved performance and compatibility of custom JS in BuddyPress.
- Updated Freemius SDK to v2.5.6.
- Core JS is now written in plain Javascript for Improved performance and compatibility.
- Overall coding standards improvements
- UI Improvements to the ‘excluded IP’ and ‘excluded users’ fields in the plugin settings.
- Improved plugin\’s help and UI text for improved ease of use.
- Moved the Captcha preview within the configuration popup in the plugin settings.
- Removed any use of depreciated JS function ‘jQuery.fn.load’.
Bug fixes
- CF7 + V2 Invisible – Fixed issue causing mail sent confirmation to be removed on submission.
- BuddyPress + V3 – Fixed issue causing user registration for to return console errors
- WPForms + V3 – Fixed issue causing ‘please solve captcha’ message to still appear on valid submissions.
- Improved compatibility with WP comment systems which do not use jQuery.
- Multisite – Removed link to settings page where needed.
- Fixed bug in Settings which would cause removed IP address and users to re-appear on refresh.
- Fixed issue in ‘hide for IP’ setting which can occur when multiple IDs are present.
7.1.1 (2022-08-18)
New features
- Site & secret key validation: plugin displays preview of CAPTCHA to confirm correct setup.
- Users are now prompted when attempting to switch CAPTCHA versions to ensure new keys are provided (UX improvement).
- Contact Form 7 AJAX validation is now handled independently to avoid compatibility issues.
- Improved handling of CAPTCHA JS within the WooCommerce checkout for better compatibility.
- Improved presentation of ‘hide CAPTCHA badge’ field within the settings.
- Updated Fremius SDK to version 2.4.5.
Bug fixes
- Corrected issue in which some trial users were not being shown all features.
- Adjusted internal ‘additional callback JS’ filter to append all content rather than override.
7.1.0 (2022-06-29)
Release notes: Support for WPForms & Gravity Forms plugins
New features:
- Added support for Gravity Forms.
- Added support for WPForms.
- New setting to show the CAPTCHA logo on the lower left rather than the default, right.
Security fix:
- Local File Inclusion reported by WPScan.
- Improved JS handling within the WooCommerce checkout to ensure a more robust field during checkout changes.
- Improved settings inline help text.
- The action ‘c4wp_captcha_form_field’ is now exclusive to premium edition.
- Ensure applicable settings only accessible based on the current license.
- Support for shortcode is now exclusive to the premium edition.
- Streamlined plugin’s internal build process.
- Improved Coding Standards throughout plugin.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed logic issue which could cause an error during new user registration.
- Ensure only specific internal files can be loaded within the help area.
- Ensure applicable functions return first argument where needed. (2022-03-15)
- Ensure migration script to new options table is run where needed.
- Ensure correct default language is set during update in free edition.
- Ensure verification does not hinder hook requests where no CAPTCHA is posted.
7.0.6 (2022-03-15)
New features & functionality
- A new setting that allows you to enable CAPTCHA on WooCommerce logins whilst disabling it on the checkout login form.
- Update logic to ensure whitelisted IP addresses action only runs when needed.
- Ensure plugin does not attempt to verify if submission contains to captcha field.
- Updated Contact Form 7 “embeddable” form tag to include response field.
- Updated branding within the Freemius admin areas.
- Improved the CAPTCHA placement within the WooCommerce “password reset” page.
- Overall admin UI improvements, including responsive styling.
- Improved BuddyPress JS support for better compatibility.
- Improved overall JS to ensure functions are defined when used.
- Improved WooCommerce extension logic to ensure code only runs when functions are available.
- Improved inline help text, including warning for users of JetPack comments regarding incompatibility.
- Improved logic within whitelisting to ensure accurate results.
Bug fixes
- Updated v2 invisible form submission JS for wider compatibility.
- Updated features logic to ensure extensions are always loaded based on license.
- Fix logic to ensure “login_captcha_filter” return accurate response.
- Reinstated original “anr_nocaptcha” Contact Form 7 form tag (backward compatibility).
- Corrected Mailchimp 4 WP form tag from [c4wp_captcha] to .
- Ensure CAPTCHA language has the correct default in new installations.
- Fixed error which caused “please solve CAPTCHA” message to appear on the “lost password” form.
- Fixed redirection during installation on a network to ensure plugin takes user to correct admin area.
- Fixed login within WooCommerce checkout which could cause CAPTCHA to always be hidden for logged in users.
- Corrected typo within BBPress extension.
- Ensure previous anr_nocaptcha Contact Form 7 code is validated.
- Fix JS bug which could cause comments to not POST with v2 invisible captcha.
7.0.3 (2022-01-21)
- Improved logic to determine if a login verification should be “skipped” depending on POSTed values.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Re-implemented support for original CF7 form tag.
- Fixed: Fixed issue which could cause login CAPTCHA\’s to not display.
- Fixed: Fixed issue related to null variable in CF7 extension.
7.0.2 (2022-01-19)
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Ensure plugin does not interfere with unwanted “authenticate” calls.
- Fixed: Use of private “construct” within CF7 extension.
7.0.1 (2022-01-19)
Bug fixes
- Fixed: PHP 7.2 Compatibility issue.
7.0.0 (2022-01-19)
Release notes: Plugin reload: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha is now CAPTCHA 4WP
New features
- Plugin renamed to CAPTCHA 4WP.
- New UI with improved UX.
- A setting to choose where to place the CAPTCHA check on the WooCommerce checkout page.
- Added the option to exclude CAPTCHA from specific URLs.
- Auto detect visitor language and auto-configure the CAPTCHA test language to match the visitor\’s language setting.
- Plugin can now be activated at multisite network level or at individual child-sites level.
- Plugin now has its own dedicated top level menu entry for configuration.
- Replaced the plugin prefix to c4wp (both internally and for shortcodes).
- Updated a number of translatable strings.
- Added a specific upgrade script to handle upgrades from pre v7.0.
- Fixed support for PHP v7.2.
- Removed the Freemius SDK from free edition.
- Added a dedicated help and support area with downloadable \”system info\” for easier troubleshooting (in case support need it).
- Added compatibility support for Wordfence 2FA.
- Ensure failed logins filter only runs when appropriate.
- Added ability to detect and ignore REST API requests.
- Failed login data is now stored in its own table with configurable pruning.
- Separated WooCommerce form logic to allow registration and login forms to be enabled/disabled independently from the WordPress built-in forms.
- Third party plugins extensions are now handled via separate classes for modularity.
- Better sanitisation when saving admin options.
- Removed obsolete \”NoJS\” setting.
- Improved v2 Checkbox field positioning on WP login page.
- Added support for Buddypress comments and activity areas.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: plugin \”blocking\” admin request to send a “reset password” email via a user\’s profile page.
- Fixed: CAPTCHA not appearing on WordPress “lost password” form.
- Removed obsolete code related to “FEP” forms.
6.1.7 (2021-10-06)
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated all the FAQs and help text links to point to the new documentation pages.
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved the help text for CAPTCHA v3 to better explain the severity scoring system.
- IMPROVEMENT: Ensure CAPTCHA is not loaded when a page is viewed via Wthe P customizer/Widget view (introduced in WP 5.8)
- IMPROVEMENT: Better support for PHP8
- FIX: Updated the CF7 field to ensure error messages are shown correctly when validation fails.
- FIX: Stopped CAPTCHA from being enforced on reset links, which causes sending of reset links via admin to fail.
- FIX: Admin notice dismissal is improved to avoid load “blank” tabs.
- FIX: Updated how form submission is handled during validation to improve compatibility (CAPTCHA V2).
- FIX: Fixed issue with CAPTCHA always failing validation on password reset screen (CAPTCHA V2).
- FIX: Fixed issue with CAPTCHA validation failing on WooCommerce checkout.
6.1.6 (2021-09-07)
UPDATE: Announcing new developer + future updates.
- FIX: error in php version 7.4
- Use tab navigation for settings. Remove extra menu items from admin sidebar.
- Link to documentation on How to get google reCAPTCHA keys.
- Increase footer hook priority as some theme add login/register form with higher priority.
- domain added.
- Error message now can be translated in file.
- Add Contact form 7 integration instruction page link in settings page of this plugin.
- Re-captcha domain can now be changed from settings.
- footer script hook priority changed.
- use same settings if network activated.
- for cf7, use this plugins captcha instead of cf7 captcha.
- Minor bug fixed.
- IP whitelist feature added.
- Captcha V3 timeout issue fixed.
- UM login issue fixed.
- Return last verify incase of duplicate checking.
- Add google scripts src filters.
- Custom hook and captcha short-code now support logged in setup.
- Fix: Multisite site signup during registration failed due to double verification.
- Fix: Comment reply failed from back-end.
- Use js for loop instead of php for loop
- Use number_formate_i18n to translate float
- Tested up to updated.
- Fix: Compatibility issue with reCaptcha v3 and CF7 version 5.1 & 5.1.1
- Now support reCaptcha v3 also
- Fix: invisible captcha sometimes was not working
- anr_verify_captcha filter added
- PRO version released
- anr_verify_captcha_pre filter added
- anr_get_option filter added
- Reset captcha if CF7 validation error occur
- Changed Tested up to
- BuddyPress mentioned in readme
- WooCommerce checkout captcha sometimes did not verify
- Reset captcha if WooCommerce checkout error occur
- If WordPress version is 4.9.0 or greater then pre_comment_approved filter used for comment which we can now return WP_Error
- Settings page redesigned.
- anr_is_form_enabled function added
- Captcha error show first before username password error. So if captcha is not validated then username password error is not shown.
- enqueue login css only if normal captcha is shown
- Enabled forms stored as an array in db. array key is enabled_forms
- Add class ANR_Settings, removed class anr_admin_class
- BuddyPress register captcha added
- Sometimes fatal error if is_admin return true in front-end.
- Do not show captcha in checkout if not checked for checkout.
- Now show captcha when use wp_login_form() function to create login form.
- Fix: Settings page checkbox uncheck was not working.
- New: Show captcha after set failed login attempts (may not work if you use ajax based login form, fall back to show always).
- Fix: contact form 7 deprecated function use.
- New: Invisible captcha feature added.
- Fix: Show captcha error when login form loaded
- Move this plugin settings page under Settings
- Bug fix: WooCommerce lostpassword corrupted link
- Comment form captcha issue fixed.
- Captcha now wrapped in anr_captcha_field div class.
- Comment form captcha p tag removed.
- Security update.
- WooCommerce checkout form issue fixed.
- Captcha in WooCommerce added (WooCommerce Login, Registration, Lost password, Reset password forms).
- Allow multiple captcha in same page.
- Text domain changed.
- Some minor bug fixed.
- New filter ‘anr_same_settings_for_all_sites’ added, Now same settings can be used for all sites in Multisite.
- Multisite User Signup Form added.
- Some bug fixed.
- Now captcha size can be changed.
- bbPress New topic added
- bbPress reply to topic added
- Some bug fixed.
- Initial release.