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List of hooks in WP 2FA
WP 2FA has a number of settings that allow website administrators to configure the plugin as they wish. However, in some cases, administrators and developers might want to change some of the plugin’s behavior that cannot be changed via a setting. While this does not happen often, due to the nature of how WordPress websites are used, there might be edge cases in which this is needed.
In such cases one can use hooks in the WP 2FA plugin to hook into the plugin’s functionality and modify its behavior. Below is a list of hooks and parameters found in the WP 2FA plugin.
Note: if you would like us to add a hook send us an email at with all the details and requirements.
Table of contents
Important: use this hook only if the user(s) do not have access to the WordPress dashboard. If the users have access to the WordPress dashboard use the hook wp_2fa_setup_page_link.
Use this hook to specify the page where a user should be redirected to when required to setup 2FA based on your own logic, for example if a user belongs to a certain group of roles etc. By default the plugin does a great job of handling where to take users when setting up 2FA, however, this might be required in certain custom setups.
- $url – the URL where the user should be redirected to
- $user – the user object of the user that needs to be redirected
Example code
add_filter( 'wp_2fa_custom_setup_page_link', 'my_custom_setup_page_link', 10, 2 );
function my_custom_setup_page_link( $url, $user ) {
if ( in_array( 'author', (array) $user->roles ) ) {
// The user has the "author" role.
$url = ‘my-custom-slug’;
return $url;
The filter provides just a single argument, $default_settings, which contains the default list of strings used within the plugin which can be read, altered, and returned back to our plugin prior to display.
- $default_settings – Array of default strings used throughout emails.
Example code
add_filter( 'wp_2fa_mail_default_settings', 'my_custom_email_strings' );
function my_custom_email_strings( $default_settings ) {
$default_settings['login_code_setup_email_body'] = '<p>Hello world</p>';
return $default_settings;
In the plugin’s emails you can use tags such as {user_login_name} and {grace_period} which are replaced with applicable strings when an email is generated and sent to a user. This filter allows you to set your own replacements or add your own tags.
- $replacements – Array of default strings used throughout emails.
Example code
add_filter( 'wp_2fa_mail_default_settings', 'my_custom_replacement_reconfigure_strings' );
function my_custom_replacement_reconfigure_strings( $replacements ) {
$replacements['grace_period'] = '<p>Hello world</p>';
return $replacements;
In the plugin’s reconfiguration email’s you can use tags such as {reconfigure_or_configure} and {reconfigure_or_configure_capitalized} which are replaced with applicable strings when an email is generated and sent to a user. This filter allows you to set your own replacements or add your own tags.
- $replacements – Array of default strings used throughout emails.
Example code
add_filter( 'wp_2fa_mail_default_settings', 'my_custom_replacement_reconfigure_strings' );
function my_custom_replacement_reconfigure_strings( $replacements ) {
$replacements['reconfigure_or_configure'] = '<p>Hello world</p>';
return $replacements;
Important: use this hook only if the user has access to the WordPress dashboard. If you are using a custom front-end 2FA page use the hook wp_2fa_custom_setup_page_link.
Use this hook to specify the page where a user should be redirected to when required to setup 2FA based on your own logic, for example if a user belongs to a certain group of roles etc. By default the plugin does a great job of handling where to take users when setting up 2FA, however, this might be required in certain custom setups.
- $url – the URL where the user should be redirected to
Example code
add_filter( 'wp_2fa_setup_page_link', 'my_custom_setup_page_link', 10, 1 );
function my_custom_setup_page_link( $url ) {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( in_array( 'author', (array) $user->roles ) ) {
// The user has the "author" role.
$url = ‘my-custom-slug’;
return $url;
This action is fired after a user has been unlocked. It provides the $user object which you can use to implement custom logic as you wish.
- $user – the user object of the user that needs to be redirected
Example code
add_action( 'wp_2fa_user_is_unlocked', 'my_custom_user_is_unlocked' );
function my_custom_user_is_unlocked( $user ) {
$updated = update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'my-custom-key', ‘my-custom-value’ );