Home Blog WordPress Security Why minimum MySQL user WordPress database privileges improve security

Importance of Minimum MySQL User WP Database Privileges for Improved Security

Why minimum MySQL user WordPress database privileges improve security

There are many WordPress security plugins and recommended security best practises you can apply to secure your WordPress installation. Since hacking is on the rise, and WordPress websites are being hacked daily, WordPress security is not something that should be overlooked. It is highly recommended to install such plugins and follow the security best practises, or security guidelines to secure your WordPress installation. Unfortunately there is one commonly overlooked WordPress security guideline; assign the minimum required WordPress database privileges to the MySQL user used by WordPress.

Most of the time the MySQL user used to connect to the MySQL database server and access the WordPress database (the user defined in the WordPress wp-config.php configuration file) has full access to the WordPress MySQL database, or even worse, to the whole MySQL database server. The MySQL user’s WordPress database privileges should be restricted; the MySQL user accessing the WordPress MySQL database should be assigned the minimum required database privileges (database permissions).

Why restrict MySQL user privileges?

Imagine if by mistake you install a malicious plugin which contains a back door or trojan software, or if a malicious user manages to get his hands on the credentials of the MySQL user used by WordPress. In both cases, if the MySQL user privileges are limited only to the data in the MySQL WordPress database, the damage can be limited and such issue can easily be fixed.

Though if the MySQL user has full access to the MySQL WordPress database, i.e. including structure privileges, the malicious user can also modify the structure of the database and not just the data inside it. Even worse, if the MySQL user being used by WordPress has access to other databases, the malicious user will access the other MySQL databases and steal data or modify them. If the MySQL user used by WordPress has access to the shopping cart MySQL database which is integrated with your WordPress installation, the malicious user can steal your customer’s sensitive information.

Why secure WordPress database privileges are important even when hacked

Many WordPress  webmasters think that once the website has been hacked, it is over. This is very wrong. It is of utmost important to also think how to limit the damage a hacker can do to your website once it has been hacked. Restoring the data in a WordPress database is much easier than restoring the whole WordPress database, a shopping cart database, re-integrate the shopping cart etc. If you are hiring a WordPress professional, it will cost much less to just restore the data of your WordPress database, then re-install the whole website.

WP White Security.com Security Tip: WordPress backups are a must. Securing your WordPress installation does not mean you should not backup your website.

Security guidelines for WordPress MySQL databases

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The survey results are in: Find out what your WordPress security gameplan might be missing


The survey results are in: Find out what your WordPress security gameplan might be missing

Uploading Melapress Login Security as a zip file in WordPress
Melapress Login Security in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing Melapress Login Security Free

Congratulations on taking control of your WordPress website's security by implementing robust login and password policies with Melapress Login Security. You can change your login page URL, limit failed login attempts, and reset passwords.


Below are two ways to install Melapress Login Security on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New" and then search for Melapress Login Security.

Download the Melapress Login Security plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".



Uploading CAPTCHA 4WP as a zip file in WordPress
CAPTCHA 4WP in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing CAPTCHA 4WP Free

Well done you. You're one step closer to safeguarding your WordPress website from spam and automated attacks with CAPTCHA 4WP. You'll be able to effortlessly integrate CAPTCHA into your forms and enjoy a website with enhanced security.


Below are two ways to install CAPTCHA 4WP on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New", and then search for CAPTCHA 4WP.

Download the CAPTCHA 4WP plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".



Uploading WP Activity Log as a zip file in WordPress
WP Activity Log in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing WP Activity Log Free on your website

You deserve a pat on the back for choosing to record user actions and changes on your website. That is the first step towards better user accountability, easier troubleshooting of website security, and many other benefits of issues.


Below are the two ways to install WP Activity Log on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New" and then search for WP Activity Log.

Download the WP Activity Log plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".



Uploading WP 2FA as a zip file in WordPress
WP 2FA in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing WP 2FA Free

Congratulations on taking the first step towards enhancing your WordPress site's security with WP 2FA Free! You're now on your way to protecting your valuable data and ensuring peace of mind. No coding or technical knowledge is required.


Below are two ways to install WP 2FA on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New", and then search for WP 2FA.

Download the WP 2FA plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".