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How to cancel a Melapress subscription
All Melapress premium licenses come with a yearly subscription. To avoid service disruption, subscriptions are automatically renewed on their anniversary.
One month before the renewal date, an email is sent out to the email address associated with the license key advising of the upcoming renewal. This allows you enough time to cancel the subscription renewal should you not wish to renew.
Renewals are non-refundable, as outlined in the Refund Policy of the Terms and Conditions.
Auto-renewals can be canceled at any time by following the process outlined below:
Step 1
Log into your My Account page using the email address associated with the license whose subscription you want to cancel. If you cannot remember your password, click the Forgot your password? option, as highlighted in the screenshot below.
Step 2
Once you’ve successfully logged in, click on Licenses and then on the license whose subscription you want to cancel. Next, click on Cancel Auto-Renew, as shown in the screenshot below.
Once canceled, the subscription will not be automatically renewed. The subscription will remain active until the anniversary date, at which point it will automatically cancel. You may choose to renew your Melapress license manually, purchase a new license, or downgrade to the free edition instead.