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How to manually renew a Melapress subscription

Melapress subscriptions can be renewed manually whenever auto-renewal is canceled. By renewing your license subscription, you can continue to make use of the premium features that your plan offers, get frequent updates, and make use of customer support should you require it.

To manually renew your license subscription:

Step 1

Head to the plugin’s pricing page by visiting or clicking the corresponding link below. Here, you’ll find all available plan options.

WP Activity Log pricing page

Melapress Login Security pricing page

WP 2FA pricing page

CAPTCHA 4WP pricing page

Step 2

Choose your preferred license plan and proceed as if you’re making a new purchase by clicking the BUY NOW button. In the checkout window, click on the Renewing or upgrading? Enter license key option, as shown in the screenshot below, and enter your license key. Click on Apply when prompted.

You're a step closer to our Premium features

Step 3

The checkout will work out the new price based on a prorated total that accounts for the remaining period of your existing subscription. This ensures that the monetary value of your remaining subscription is added as savings to your new total.

Once payment is made, your subscription will automatically be renewed for one year. In some cases, you may need to force a license sync by navigating to the plugin’s account page and clicking on Sync License, as shown in the screenshot below:

Accounts details