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List of activity log event IDs

An event is an entry in the WordPress security & activity log. For every change the WP Activity Log plugin keeps a log of it creates an event with the details of the change, as explained in what are events and event IDs in the WordPress activity log. In this page you can find all the events used by the WP Activity Log plugin.

WordPress changes
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) settings, post types, taxonomies & more
bbPress plugin, forums and topics changes
Gravity Forms plugin, forms & other changes
MainWP dashboard & network changes
MemberPress plugin, forms & other changes
Redirection plugin, redirections and Redirection Groups
TablePress tables, settings & other changes
WP 2FA plugin and user 2FA setup changes
WP Activity Log plugin and logs changes
WPForms plugin, forms & other changes
WooCommerce store and product changes
Yoast SEO plugin settings & SEO metabox changes

WordPress changes

The list of event IDs the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of all the WordPress changes.

1000LowUserSuccessfully logged in
1001LowUserSuccessfully logged out
1002MediumUserFailed Login
1003LowSystemFailed login / non-WordPress user
1004MediumUserLogin blocked
1005LowUserSuccessful log in – other sessions exist for user
1006MediumUserLogged out all other sessions with same user
1007MediumUserTerminated a user session
1008MediumUserSwitched to another user
1010InformationUserUser requested a password reset.
2000InformationPostCreated a new post
2001LowPostPublished a post
2002LowPostModified a post
2008MediumPostPermanently deleted a post
2010MediumFileUploaded a file
2011LowFileDeleted a file
2012MediumPostMoved a post to trash
2014LowPostRestored a post from trash
2016LowPostChanged the category of a post
2017InformationPostChanged the URL of a post
2019InformationPostChanged the author of a post
2021MediumPostChanged the status of a post
2023MediumCategoryCreated a new category
2024MediumCategoryDeleted a category
2025LowPostChanged the visibility of a post
2027InformationPostChanged the date of a post
2042MediumWidgetAdded a new widget
2043HighWidgetModified a widget
2044MediumWidgetDeleted a widget
2045LowWidgetMoved a widget in between sections
2046HighThemeModified a file with the theme editor
2047LowPostChanged the parent of a post
2048LowPostChanged the template of a post
2049InformationPostSet a post as sticky
2050InformationPostRemoved post from Sticky
2051HighPluginModified a file with the plugin editor
2052LowCategoryChanged the parent of a category
2053LowPostCreated a custom field in a post
2054LowCustom fieldChanged the value of a custom field
2055MediumCustom fieldDeleted a custom field
2062LowCustom fieldRenamed a custom field
2065LowPostModified the content of a post
2071LowWidgetsChanged the position of a widget in a section
2073InformationPostSubmitted post for review
2074LowPostScheduled a post for publishing
2078LowMenuCreated a menu
2079LowMenuAdded item(s) to a menu
2080LowMenuRemoved item(s) from a menu
2081MediumMenuDeleted a menu
2082LowMenuChanged the settings of a menu
2083LowMenuModified the item(s) in a menu
2084LowMenuRenamed a menu
2085LowMenuChanged the order of the objects in a menu.
2086InformationPostChanged title of a post
2089LowMenuMoved an item as a sub-item in a menu
2090InformationCommentApproved a comment
2091InformationCommentUnapproved a comment
2092InformationCommentReplied to a comment
2093LowCommentEdited a comment
2094InformationCommentMarked a comment as Spam
2095LowCommentMarked a comment as not spam
2096LowCommentMoved a comment to trash
2097InformationCommentRestored a comment from the trash
2098LowCommentPermanently deleted a comment
2099InformationCommentsPosted a comment
2100InformationPostOpened a post in editor
2101InformationPostViewed a post
2111LowPostEnabled / disabled comments in a post
2112LowPostEnabled / disabled trackbacks in a post
2119InformationPostAdded tag(s) to a post
2120InformationPostRemoved tag(s) from a post
2121InformationTagCreated a new tag
2122LowTagDeleted a tag
2123InformationTagRenamed a tag
2124InformationTagChanged the slug of a tag
2125InformationTagChanged the description of a tag
2127LowCategoryRenamed a category
2128LowCategoryChanged the slug of a category
2129InformationPostUpdated the excerpt of a post
2129InformationPostAdded / changed / removed a post’s excerpt.
2130InformationPostUpdated the feature image of a post
2130InformationPostAdded / changed / removed a post’s featured image
2131LowCustom fieldAdded a relationship in an ACF custom field.
2132LowCustom fieldRemoved a relationship from an ACF custom field.
2133InformationalPostTaken over a post from another user
4000CriticalUserA new user was created
4001CriticalUserUser created a new user
4002CriticalUserChange the role of a user
4003HighUserChanged the password
4004HighUserChanged the password of a user
4005MediumUserChanged the email address
4006MediumUserChanged the email address of a user
4007HighUserDeleted a user
4008CriticalUserGranted super admin privileges to a user
4009CriticalUserRevoked super admin privileges from a user
4010MediumUserAdded a network user to a site
4011MediumUserRemoved a network user from a site
4012CriticalUserCreated a new network user
4013HighUserUser has been activated on the network
4014InformationUserOpened the profile page of a user
4015LowUserChanged a custom field value in user profile
4016LowUserCreated a custom field in a user profile
4017InformationUserChanged the first name (of a user)
4018InformationUserChanged the last name (of a user)
4019InformationUserChanged the nickname (of a user)
4020LowUserChanged the display name (of a user)
4021MediumUserChanged the website URL of the user
4025CriticalUserUser added / removed application password from own profile
4026CriticalUserUser added / removed application password from another user’s profile
4027HighUserUser revoked all application passwords from own profile
4028HighUserUser revoked all application passwords from another user’s profile
4029InformationalUser profileSent a password reset request to a user.
5000CriticalPluginInstalled a plugin
5001HighPluginActivated a plugin
5002HighPluginDeactivated a plugin
5003HighPluginUninstalled a plugin
5004LowPluginUpgraded a plugin
5005CriticalThemeInstalled a theme
5006HighThemeActivated a theme
5007HighThemeDeleted a theme
5008HighThemeNetwork activated a theme
5009MediumThemeNetwork deactivated a theme
5010LowDatabasePlugin created database table(s)
5011LowDatabasePlugin modified the structure of database table(s)
5012MediumDatabasePlugin deleted database table(s)
5013LowDatabaseTheme created database table(s)
5014LowDatabaseTheme modified the structure of table(s) in the database
5015MediumDatabaseTheme deleted database table(s)
5016HighDatabaseUnknown component created database table(s)
5017HighDatabaseUnknown component modified the structure of table(s )in the database
5018HighDatabaseUnknown component deleted database table(s)
5019MediumPostPlugin created post(s)
5025LowPostPlugin deleted post(s)
5028MediumPluginThe automatic updates setting for a plugin was changed
5029MediumThemeThe automatic updates setting for a theme was changed
5031LowThemeUpdated a theme
6001CriticalSystem settingChanged the option anyone can register
6002CriticalSystem settingChanged the new user default role.
6003CriticalSystem settingChanged the WordPress administrator notification email address
6004MediumSystemUpdated WordPress
6005HighSystem settingChanged the WordPress permalinks
6008InformationSystem settingChanged the setting: Discourage search engines from indexing this site
6009MediumSystem settingEnabled / disabled comments on the website
6010MediumSystem settingChanged the setting: Comment author must fill out name and email
6011MediumSystem settingChanged the setting: Users must be logged in and registered to comment
6012InformationSystem settingChanged the setting: Automatically close comments after a number of days
6013InformationSystem settingChanged the value of the setting: Automatically close comments after a number of days.
6014MediumSystem settingChanged the setting: Comments must be manually approved
6015LowSystem settingChanged the setting: Author must have previously approved comments for the comments to appear
6016LowSystem settingChanged the minimum number of links that a comment must have to be held in the queue
6017InformationSystem settingModified the list of keywords for comments moderation
6018InformationSystem settingModified the list of keywords for comments blacklisting
6024CriticalSystem settingChanged the WordPress address (URL)
6025CriticalSystem settingChanged the site address (URL)
6028HighFileA file was modified
6029CriticalFileA file was added to the website
6030MediumFileA file was deleted from the website
6031InformationSystemFile cannot be scanned
6032InformationSystemFile scan limit of 1M files reached
6033InformationSystemFile integrity scan has started / stopped
6035HighSystem settingChanged the “Your homepage displays” WordPress setting
6036HighSystem settingChanged the homepage in the WordPress setting
6037HighSystem settingChanged the posts page in the WordPress settings
6040MediumSystem settingChanged the Timezone in the WordPress settings
6041MediumSystem settingChanged the Date format in the WordPress settings
6042MediumSystem settingChanged the Time format in the WordPress settings
6044HighSystem settingUser changed the WordPress automatic update settings
6045MediumSite settingsChanged the site language.
6059MediumSystem settingChanged the site title
6060CriticalWP Activity LogChanged the status of the event ID.
6061LowSystemThe website sent an email.
6063InformationalSystem settingAdded site icon
6064InformationalSystem settingChanged site icon
6066InformationalWordPress CronNew one time task (cron job) created
6067InformationalWordPress CronNew recurring task (cron job) created
6068LowWordPress CronRecurring task (cron job) modified
6069InformationalWordPress CronOne time task (cron job) executed
6070InformationalWordPress CronRecurring task (cron job) executed
6071MediumWordPress CronDeleted one-time task (cron job)
6072MediumWordPress CronDeleted recurring task (cron job)
7000CriticalMultisite NetworkAdded a site to the network
7001HighMultisite NetworkArchived a site
7002HighMultisite NetworkUnarchived a site
7003HighMultisite NetworkActivated a site
7004HighMultisite NetworkDeactivated a site
7005HighMultisite NetworkDeleted a site
7007CriticalMultisite networkEnabled / disabled the setting “Allow site administrators to add new users to their site”
7008HighMultisite networkChanged the value of the Site upload space setting
7009MediumMultisite networkChanged the value of the file size allowed in the site upload space setting
7010CriticalMultisite networkChanged the list of allowed file types on the network
7011CriticalMultisite networkChanged the value of the maximum upload file size network setting
7012CriticalMultisite NetworkChanged the Allow new registrations setting.
7013MediumMultisite NetworkUpdated WordPress on the network subsites

Advanced Cutom Fields (ACF) changes & settings

The list of event IDs the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log changes in the settings of the Advanced Custom Fields settings, post types, taxonomies, and taxonomy types.

10000InformationalACF configuration – Post typesCreated a new Post Type
10001LowACF configuration – Post typesChanged the status of a Post Type
10002LowACF configuration – Post typesRenamed a Post Type
10003LowACF configuration – Post typesChanged the singular label of a Post Type
10004LowACF configuration – Post typesChanged the Post Type Key of a Post Type
10005MediumACF configuration – Post typesModified the list of Taxonomies of a Post Type
10007MediumACF configuration – Post typesMoved a Post Type to trash
10008MediumACF configuration – Post typesRestored a Post Type from trash
10009MediumACF configuration – Post typesPermanently deleted a Post Type
10010InformationalACF configuration – TaxonomiesCreated a Taxonomy
10011LowACF configuration – TaxonomiesChanged the status of a Taxonomy
10012LowACF configuration – TaxonomiesRenamed a Taxonomy
10013LowACF configuration – TaxonomiesChanged the singular label of a Taxonomy
10014LowACF configuration – TaxonomiesChanged the Taxonomy Key of a Taxonomy
10015MediumACF configuration – TaxonomiesModified the list of Post Types of a Taxonomy
10017MediumACF configuration – TaxonomiesMoved a Taxonomy to trash
10018MediumACF configuration – TaxonomiesRestored a Taxonomy from trash
10019MediumACF configuration – TaxonomiesPermanently deleted a Taxonomy
10020InformationalACF – Taxonomy termsCreated a Taxonomy Term
10021LowACF – Taxonomy termsRenamed a Taxonomy Term
10022MediumACF – Taxonomy termsDeleted a Taxonomy Term
10023MediumACF – Taxonomy termsChanged the slug of a Taxonomy Term
10024LowACF – Taxonomy termsChanged the Taxonomy Term(s) of a post

bbPress changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes in the bbPress plugin, forums and topics.

8000InformationbbPress forumCreated a new forum
8001MediumbbPress forumChanged the status of a forum
8002MediumbbPress forumChanged the visibility of a forum
8003LowbbPress forumChanged the URL of a forum
8004InformationbbPress forumChanged the sorting order of a forum
8005HighbbPress forumMoved a forum to trash
8006HighbbPress forumPermanently deleted a forum
8007HighbbPress forumRestored a forum from trash
8008LowbbPress forumChanged the parent of a forum
8011LowbbPress forumChanged the type of a forum
8009HighbbPress settingChanged the forum user’s auto role
8010CriticalbbPress settingEnabled / disabled the setting for anonymous posting
8012MediumbbPress settingChanged the time to disallow post editing in a forum
8013HighbbPress settingChanged the posting throttle time
8014InformationbbPress forumCreated a new topic
8015InformationbbPress forumChanged the status of a topic
8016InformationbbPress forumChanged the topic type
8017InformationbbPress forumChanged the URL of a topic
8018InformationbbPress forumChanged the forum of a topic
8019MediumbbPress forumMoved a topic to trash
8020MediumbbPress forumPermanently deleted a topic
8021InformationbbPress forumRestored a topic from trash
8022LowbbPress forumChanged the visibility of a topic
8023HighUserChanged the role if a user
8024LowbbPress ForumCreated the topic tag
8025MediumbbPress ForumDeleted the tag
8026LowbbPress ForumRenamed the topic tag
8027LowbbPress ForumChanged the slug of the topic tag

Gravity Forms changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes users make in the Gravity Forms plugin, forms, entries (leads), fields, notifications and more. Refer to activity log for Gravity Forms for more information.

5700LowForms in Gravity FormsCreated, modified or deleted a form
5701MediumForms in Gravity FormsMoved a form to trash
5702MediumForms in Gravity FormsPermanently deleted a form
5703MediumForms in Gravity FormsModified a setting in a form
5704LowForms in Gravity FormsDuplicated a form
5709LowForms in Gravity FormsUser or visitor (optional) submitted a form
5715MediumFields in Gravity FormsAdded, modified or deleted a field from a form
5705MediumConfirmations in Gravity FormsCreated, modified or deleted a form’s confirmation
5708LowConfirmations in Gravity FormsActivated or deactivated a form’s confirmation
5706MediumNotifications in Gravity FormsCreated, modified or deleted a form’s notification
5707LowNotifications in Gravity FormsActivated or deactivated a form’s notification
5710LowEntries in Gravity FormsStarred / unstarred an entry
5711LowEntries in Gravity FormsRead / marked a form as read or unread
5712MediumEntries in Gravity FormsMoved an entry to trash
5713MediumEntries in Gravity FormsPermanently deleted an entry
5714MediumEntries in Gravity FormsCreated / delete a note in an entry
5716HighSettings in Gravity FormsModified a plugin setting
5717MediumEntries in Gravity FormsEntry (lead) was modified
5718LowSettings in Gravity FormsExported entries from a form
5719LowSettings in Gravity FormsImported / exported a form
5720MediumForms in Gravity FormsActivated or deactivated a GravityForms form

MainWP dashboard changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes users make in the MainWP dashboard.

7700CriticalMainWP networkAdded a child site
7701HighMainWP networkRemoved a child site
7702MediumMainWP networkModified a child site
7703InformationMainWP networkSynced data with a child site
7704InformationMainWP networkSynced data with all child sites
7705CriticalMainWPInstalled an extension
7706HighMainWPActivated an extension
7707HighMainWPDeactivated an extension
7708HighMainWPUninstalled an extension
7709HighMainWPAdded / removed extension from the MainWP menu
7710InformationActivity logsFailed to retrieve the activity log from a child site
7711InformationActivity logsStarted retrieving activity logs from child site(s)
7712InformationActivity logsFinished retrieving activity logs from child site(s)
7750InformationMainWPAdded a monitor in Advanced Uptime Monitor extension
7751InformationMainWPDeleted a monitor from the Advanced Uptime Monitor extension
7752InformationMainWPStarted a monitor in the Advanced Uptime Monitor extension
7753InformationMainWPPaused a monitor in the Advanced Uptime Monitor extension
7754InformationMainWPCreated monitors for all child sites in the Advanced Uptime Monitor extension
7713MediumActivity logsChanged the enforcement configuration of the child sites activity log setting.
7714MediumActivity logsChanged the enforcement settings of the Child sites activity log settings
7715MediumActivity logsModified the Child sites activity log settings.
7716MediumActivity logsStarted or finished propagating the Child sites activity log settings.
7717MediumActivity logsThe propagation of the Child sites activity log settings failed on a child site site.

MemberPress changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes users make in the MemberPress dashboard.

HighMembershipsCreated a new membership
6201HighMembershipsModified an existing membership
6202HighMembershipsDeleted an existing membership
6203HighGroupsCreated a new group
6204HighGroupsModified an existing group
6205HighGroupsDeleted an existing group
6206HighRulesCreated a new rule
6207HighRulesModified an existing rule
6208HighRulesDeleted an existing rule
6210HighSettingsModified a setting
6211HighRolesCreated a new role
6212HighRolesModified an existing role
6250MediumSubscriptionsCreated a new subscription
6251MediumSubscriptionsModified an existing subscription
6253MediumTransactionsCreated a new transaction
6254MediumTransactionsModified an existing transaction

Redirection changes

The complete list of events, their IDs and message description the WP Activity Log plugin uses to keep a log of the changes that happen on your Redirection plugin.

10501MediumRedirectionsA redirection was created
10502MediumRedirectionsActivated redirection
10503MediumRedirectionsDeactivated redirection
10504MediumRedirectionsReset redirection hits
10505MediumRedirectionsModified redirection
10506MediumRedirectionsDeleted redirection
10507MediumRedirection GroupsChanged the Redirection Group of a redirection
10508MediumRedirectionsDeleted a redirection
10509MediumRedirection GroupsCreated a new Redirection Group
10510MediumRedirection GroupsActivated a Redirection Group
10511MediumRedirection GroupsDeactivated a Redirection Group
10512MediumRedirection GroupsRenamed a redirection Group
10513MediumRedirection GroupsChanged the modiule type of a Redirection Group
10514MediumRedirection GroupsDeleted a Redirection Group

TablePress changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes in tables created with TablePress.

8900MediumTablePress tablesA table was created
8901HighTablePress tablesA table was deleted
8902MediumTablePress tablesA table was duplicated
8903MediumTablePress tablesA table was imported
8904MediumTablePress tablesA table ID was changed
8905MediumTablePress tablesA table was modified
8906MediumTablePress tablesA table row was added or removed
8907MediumTablePress tablesA table column was added or removed
8908MediumTablePress tablesA table option was modified

WP 2FA plugin and user 2FA setup changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes in WP 2FA plugin settings and also in the user 2FA setup.

7800HighWP 2FA SettingsThe 2FA policies have been set / enabled
7801CriticalWP 2FA SettingsThe 2FA policies have been disabled
7802MediumWP 2FA SettingsThe list of users or user roles on which 2FA is enforced has been changed
7803HighWP 2FA SettingsThe list of excluded users or user roles from 2FA has been modified
7804InformationalWP 2FA SettingsA 2FA method has been enabled or disabled
7805InformationalWP 2FA SettingsThe Trusted devices (Remember this device) feature has been enabled or disabled
7806InformationalWP 2FA SettingsThe duration for how long should a trusted device be remembered has changed
7807Medium2FAThe setting to require 2FA for password resets has been enabled or disabled
7808Informational2FAA 2FA method has been configured
7809Informational2FAUser changed the 2FA method
7810High2FAUser removed the configured 2FA method
7811Low2FAA user has been locked by WP 2FA for not configuring 2FA
7812Low2FAA blocked user was unblocked

Logs and WP Activity Log plugin changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes in logs and WP Activity log plugin.

6000InformationalActivity LogsEvents automatically pruned by system
6006MediumWP Activity LogReset the plugin’s settings to default
6034CriticalActivity LogsPurged the activity log
6043HighWP Activity LogSome WP Activity Log plugin settings on this site were propagated and overridden from the MainWP dashboard
6046LowWP Activity LogChanged the status of the Login Page Notification
6047LowWP Activity LogChanged the text of the Login Page Notification
6048LowWP Activity LogChanged the status of the Reverse proxy / firewall option
6049HighWP Activity LogChanged the Restrict plugin access setting
6050HighWP Activity LogThe user %user% to / from the list of users who can view the activity log
6051MediumWP Activity LogChanged the status of the Hide plugin in plugins page setting
6052HighWP Activity LogChanged the Activity log retention setting
6053LowWP Activity LogA user was added to / from the list of excluded users from the activity log
6054LowWP Activity LogA user role was added to / from the list of excluded roles from the activity log
6055LowWP Activity LogAn IP address was added to / from the list of excluded IP addresses from the activity log
6056LowWP Activity LogA post type was added to / from the list of excluded post types from the activity log
6057LowWP Activity LogA custom field was added to / from the list of excluded custom fields from the activity log
6058LowWP Activity LogA custom field was added to / from the list of excluded user profile custom fields from the activity log
6062HighWP Activity LogA post status was excluded (or added) from the activity log
6310LowWP Activity LogThe status of the Daily Summary of Activity Log was changed
6311LowWP Activity LogThe recipient/s of the Daily Summary of Activity Log was/were modified
6312LowWP Activity LogThe status of a built-in notification was changed
6313LowWP Activity LogThe recipient/s of a built-in notification was/were modified
6314LowWP Activity LogA new custom notification was added
6315LowWP Activity LogA custom notification was modified
6316LowWP Activity LogThe status of a custom notification was changed
6317LowWP Activity LogA custom notification was deleted
6318LowWP Activity LogA default notification template was modified
6320HighWP Activity LogA new integrations connection was added
6321HighWP Activity LogAn integrations connection was modified
6322HighWP Activity LogAn integrations connection was deleted
6323HighWP Activity LogAn activity log mirror was added
6324HighWP Activity LogAn activity log mirror was modified
6325HighWP Activity LogThe status of an activity log mirror was changed
6326HighWP Activity LogAn activity log mirror was deleted
6327HighWP Activity LogThe status of Logging of events to the database was changed

WPForms changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes users make in the WPForms plugin, forms, entries (leads), fields, notifications and more. Refer to activity log for WPForms for more information.

5500LowForms in WPFormsCreated, modified or deleted a form
5501MediumFields in WPFormsAdded, modified or deleted a field from/to a form
5502MediumForms in WPFormsDuplicated a form
5503LowNotifications in WPFormsAdded, enabled, modified or deleted a notification from/in a form
5504MediumEntries in WPFormsDeleted an entry (lead) in WPForms
5505LowNotifications in WPFormsDisabled all the notifications in a form
5506LowForms in WPFormsRenamed a form
5507LowEntries in WPFormsEntry was modified
5508HighWPFormsAccess control settings changed.
5509HighWPFormsChanged the currency setting in the plugin
5510HighWPFormsA service integration was added / removed
5511HighWPFormsInstalled / uninstalled an addon
5513MediumForms in WPFormsEnabled / disabled anti-spam protection on a form
5514MediumForms in WPFormsEnabled / disabled dynamic fields population setting on a form
5515MediumForms in WPFormsEnabled / disabled dynamic fields population setting on a form
5516MediumNotifications in WPFormsRenamed a notification
5517MediumNotifications in WPFormsChanged a property of a notification
5518MediumConfirmations in WPFormsAdded / enabled / deleted a confirmation from a form
5519MediumConfirmations in WPFormsChanged the confirmation type of a form confirmation
5520MediumConfirmations in WPFormsChanged the confirmation page in a form confirmation
5521MediumConfirmations in WPFormsChanged the redirect URL in a form confirmation
5522MediumConfirmations in WPFormsChanged the message in a form confirmation
5523LowForms in WPFormsUser / website visitor submitted a form on the website

WooCommerce changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes in the WooCommerce store, products, orders, coupons and much more. Refer to the Activity log for WooCommerce for more information.

9000LowWooCommerce productCreated a new product
9001MediumWooCommerce productPublished a product
9002InformationWooCommerce categoryCreated a new product category
9003LowWooCommerce productChanged the category of a product
9004InformationWooCommerce productModified the short description of a product
9005LowWooCommerce productChanged the text of a product
9006LowWooCommerce productChanged the URL of a product
9007MediumWooCommerce productChanged the product type
9008InformationWooCommerce productChanged the date of a product
9009MediumWooCommerce productChanged the visibility of a product
9010MediumWooCommerce productModified a product
9012HighWooCommerce productMoved a product to trash
9013MediumWooCommerce productPermanently deleted a product
9014HighWooCommerce productRestored a product from trash
9015MediumWooCommerce productChanged the status of a product
9016MediumWooCommerce productChanged the price of a product
9017MediumWooCommerce productChanged the SKU of a product
9018LowWooCommerce productChanged the stock status of a product
9019LowWooCommerce productChanged the stock quantity of a product
9020MediumWooCommerce productChanged the type of a product
9021InformationWooCommerce productChanged the weight of a product
9022InformationWooCommerce productChanged the dimensions of a product
9023MediumWooCommerce productAdded a downloadable file to a product
9024MediumWooCommerce productRemoved a downloadable file from a product
9025InformationWooCommerce productChanged the name of a downloadable file in a product
9026MediumWooCommerce productChanged the URL of a downloadable file in a product
9027HighWooCommerce storeChanged the store’s weight unit
9028HighWooCommerce storeChanged the store’s dimensions unit
9029HighWooCommerce storeChanged the store’s base Location
9030HighWooCommerce storeEnabled / disabled taxes
9031HighWooCommerce storeChanged the store’s currency
9032HighWooCommerce storeEnabled / disabled coupons (store level)
9033HighWooCommerce storeEnabled / disabled guest checkout
9034HighWooCommerce storeEnabled / disabled the option cash on delivery
9035LowWooCommerce orderA new order was placed
9036InformationWooCommerce orderChanged the status of an order
9037MediumWooCommerce orderMoved an order to trash
9038LowWooCommerce orderRestored an order from the trash
9039LowWooCommerce orderPermanently deleted an order
9040MediumWooCommerce orderModified the order
9041HighWooCommerce orderRefunded an order
9042InformationWooCommerce productChanged the visibility of a product
9043InformationWooCommerce productChanged the setting Featured Product of a product
9044InformationWooCommerce productChanged the setting allow backorders of a product
9045MediumWooCommerce productChanged the products to upsell of a product
9046MediumWooCommerce productChanged the cross-sells of a product
9047LowWooCommerce productAdded new product attribute(s)
9048LowWooCommerce productModified the value of product attribute(s)
9049LowWooCommerce productRenamed a product attribute
9050LowWooCommerce productDeleted a product attribute
9051LowWooCommerce productChanged the visibility of a product attribute
9052MediumWooCommerce categoryDeleted a product category
9053InformationWooCommerce categoryChanged the slug of a product category
9054MediumWooCommerce categoryChanged the parent of a product category
9055InformationWooCommerce categoryChanged display type of a product category
9056LowWooCommerce categoryRenamed a product category
9057MediumWooCommerce storeCreated a new attribute
9058LowWooCommerce storeDeleted an attribute
9059LowWooCommerce storeChanged the slug of an attribute
9060LowWooCommerce storeChanged the name of an attribute
9061LowWooCommerce storeChanged the default sorting order of an attribute
9062LowWooCommerce storeEnabled/disabled the setting Enable Archives of an attribute
9063LowWooCommerce couponPublished a new coupon
9064LowWooCommerce couponChanged the discount type of a coupon
9065LowWooCommerce couponChanged the coupon amount
9066LowWooCommerce couponChanged the expire date of a coupon
9067LowWooCommerce couponChanged the setting Usage Restriction of a coupon
9068LowWooCommerce couponChanged the setting Usage Limits of a coupon
9069LowWooCommerce couponChanged the description of a coupon
9070MediumWooCommerce CouponsChanged the status of a coupon.
9071InformationWooCommerce couponRenamed the coupon
9072InformationWooCommerce productOpened a product in editor
9073InformationWooCommerce productViewed a product
9074HighWooCommerce storeEnabled / disabled a payment gateway
9076HighWooCommerce storeModified a payment gateway
9077MediumWooCommerce productRenamed a product
9078LowWooCommerce storeChanged the setting to include / exclude tax in prices
9079LowWooCommerce storeChanged the setting on what to calculate tax on
9080MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the shipping tax class settings
9081MediumWooCommerce storeEnabled / disabled rounding the tax at sub total level
9082MediumWooCommerce storeAdded / deleted / modified a shipping zone
9083InformationUserChanged the billing address
9084InformationUserChanged the shipping address
9085HighWooCommerce storeChanged the setting cash on delivery
9086HighWooCommerce storeChanged the list of excluded countries to sell to
9087HighWooCommerce storeChanged the list of countries to sell to
9088HighWooCommerce storeChanged the setting shipping location(s)
9089HighWooCommerce storeChanged the list of specific countries to ship to
9090HighWooCommerce storeChanged the Default customer location setting
9091HighWooCommerce storeChanged the cart page
9092HighWooCommerce storeChanged the checkout page
9093HighWooCommerce storeChanged the my account page
9094HighWooCommerce storeChanged the terms and conditions page
9095LowWooCommerce productAdded or delete a product image.
9096LowWooCommerce productChanged the product image.
9097LowWooCommerce productChanged the download limit of a product.
9098LowWooCommerce productChanged the download expiry settings of a product
9099LowWooCommerce productDownloaded the product.
9100MediumWooCommerce StoreChanged the setting: Enable product reviews
9101LowWooCommerce tagCreated a tag
9102MediumWooCommerce tagDeleted a tag
9103LowWooCommerce tagRenamed a tag
9104LowWooCommerce tagChanged the slug of a tag
9105LowWooCommerce productStock quantity changed due to an order
9106LowWooCommerce productStock quantity changed automatically via a third party system
9107LowWooCommerce storeChanged the setting: Show “verified owner” label on customer reviews
9108LowWooCommerce storeChanged the setting: Reviews can only be left by “verified owners”
9109MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the setting: Star rating on reviews
9110MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the setting: Star ratings should be required
9111MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the Checkout endpoint
9112MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the Account endpoint
9113MediumWooCommerce productChanged the Tax status of the product title
9114MediumWooCommerce productChanged the Tax class of the product title.
9115MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the currency position
9116MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the currency thousand separator
9117MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the currency decimal separator
9118MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the currency number of decimals
9119MediumWooCommerce productChanged the low stock threshold of a product
9120MediumWooCommerce productAdded a new webhook
9121MediumWooCommerce productDeleted a webhook
9122MediumWooCommerce productModified a webhook
9123HighWooCommerce couponMoved a coupon to trash.
9124HighWooCommerce couponPermanently deleted a coupon.
9125MediumWooCommerce couponChanged the visibility status of a coupon.
9126InformationalWooCommerce couponChanged the published date of a coupon.
9127LowWooCommerce couponRestored the coupon from trash.
9130HighWooCommerce ordersAdded or removed a product from an order
9131HighWooCommerce ordersModified the quantity of a product in an order
9132HighWooCommerce ordersAdded or removed a fee from an order
9133HighWooCommerce ordersChanged the amount of a fee in an order
9134HighWooCommerce ordersAdded or removed a coupon from an order
9135HighWooCommerce ordersAdded or removed tax from an order
9136HighWooCommerce ordersRefund reversed on an order
9137HighWooCommerce ordersAdded or removed shipping from an order
9140MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the Shipping options: Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page setting in the store.
9141MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the Shipping options: Hide shipping costs until an address is entered setting in the store.
9142MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the setting Shipping options: Shipping destination.
9143HighWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the Debug mode setting in the store.
9144MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout.
9145MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting Allow customers to create an account during checkout.
9146MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting Allow customers to create an account on the “My account” page.
9147MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting When creating an account, automatically generate an account username for the customer based on their name, surname or email.
9148MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting When creating an account, send the new user a link to set their password.
9149MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting Remove personal data from orders on request.
9150MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting Remove access to downloads on request.
9151MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the status of the store setting Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from orders.
9152MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the store Registration privacy policy message.
9153MediumWooCommerce storeChanged the store Checkout privacy policy message.
9154 MediumWooCommerce ordersOpened the order in the editor.
9155LowWooCommerce ordersA comment was added to a WooCommerce order
9156LowWooCommerce ordersA comment was deleted from a WooCommerce order

Yoast SEO plugin & SEO meta box changes

The list of events the WP Activity Log plugin uses in the WordPress activity log to keep a log of the changes users make in the posts’ SEO meta box and in the Yoast SEO plugin settings. Refer to the Activity log for WooCommerce for more information.

8801InformationYoast SEO meta boxChanged SEO title of a post
8802InformationYoast SEO meta boxChanged the meta description of a post
8803InformationYoast SEO meta boxChanged the setting to allow search engines to show post in search results
8804InformationYoast SEO meta boxEnabled / disabled the setting for search engines to follow links in a post
8805InformationYoast SEO meta boxChanged the meta robots advanced setting of a post
8806InformationYoast SEO meta boxChanged the canonical URL of a post
8807InformationYoast SEO meta boxChanged the focus keyword of a post
8808InformationYoast SEO meta boxEnabled / disabled the cornerstone setting in a post
8809InformationYoast SEOChanged the default title separator
8812InformationYoast SEOChanged the setting company or person
8813MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the setting to show posts in search results
8814InformationYoast SEOChanged the meta (SEO) title template
8815MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled SEO analysis
8816MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled readability analysis
8817MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled cornerstone content
8818MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the text link counter
8819MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled XML sitemaps
8820MediumYoast SEOEnabled/ disabled Ryte integration
8821MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the admin bar menu
8822InformationYoast SEOChanged the meta description template
8824LowYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the Yoast SEO meta box
8825HighYoast SEOEnabled / disabled advanced setting for authors
8826LowYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the setting Redirect attachment URLs in the Media search apprearance
8827MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled Usage tracking in the plugin
8828MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the REST API: Head endpoint in the plugin settings
8829LowYoast SEOAdded / modified / removed the Social profile
8830MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the option to show specific taxonomy types in search results
8831LowYoast SEOChanged the SEO title template for a taxonomy type
8832LowYoast SEOChanged the Meta description template for a taxonomy type
8833MediumYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the Author or date archives
8834MediumYoast SEOEnabled / Disabled the setting to show Author or date archives in search results
8835LowYoast SEOChanged the SEO title template for the author or date archives
8836LowYoast SEOChanged the Meta description template for the author or date archives
8837LowYoast SEOEnabled / disabled the setting to show SEO settings for specific taxonomies
8838HighYoast SEOChanged the setting Who should have access to the Yoast SEO settings on a multisite network
8839LowYoast SEOChanged the setting New sites in the network inherit their SEO settings from this site
8840MediumYoast SEOReset the SEO settings of the site to default
8841MediumYoast SEOChanged the Webmaster Tools verification code for a search engine
8842HighYoast SEODisabled a plugin feature networkwide
8843HighYoast SEOAllowed site administrators to toggle a plugin feature on or off on their sites
8844MediumYoast SEOChanged the setting: Add Open Graph meta data in Facebook settings
8845MediumYoast SEOChanged the Default Image in the Facebook settings
8846MediumYoast SEOChanged the setting: Add Twitter card meta data in Twitter settings
8847MediumYoast SEOChanged the setting: Add Open Graph meta data in Facebook settings
8848MediumYoast SEOChanged the Pinterest confirmation meta tag in the Pinterest settings
8849MediumYoast SEOChanged the status of the type integration
8850LowYoast SEOChanged the Breadcrumbs Title of a post
8851InformationYoast SEOChanged the Page type in the Schema settings
8852InformationYoast SEOChanged the Article type in the Schema settings
8853MediumYoast SEOChanged the Default Page type in the Schema settings
8854MediumYoast SEOChanged the Default Article type in the Schema settings
8855MediumYoast SEOAdded a redirect
8856MediumYoast SEOModified a redirect
8857MediumYoast SEODeleted a redirect
8858MediumYoast SEOThe Redirect method has been changed

 Boost your sites’ security and management! Download our free eBook on WordPress oversight.

Uploading WP 2FA as a zip file in WordPress
WP 2FA in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing WP 2FA Free

Congratulations on taking the first step towards enhancing your WordPress site's security with WP 2FA Free! You're now on your way to protecting your valuable data and ensuring peace of mind. No coding or technical knowledge is required.


Below are two ways to install WP 2FA on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New", and then search for WP 2FA.

Download the WP 2FA plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".



Uploading CAPTCHA 4WP as a zip file in WordPress
CAPTCHA 4WP in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing CAPTCHA 4WP Free

Well done you. You're one step closer to safeguarding your WordPress website from spam and automated attacks with CAPTCHA 4WP. You'll be able to effortlessly integrate CAPTCHA into your forms and enjoy a website with enhanced security.


Below are two ways to install CAPTCHA 4WP on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New", and then search for CAPTCHA 4WP.

Download the CAPTCHA 4WP plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".



Uploading WP Activity Log as a zip file in WordPress
WP Activity Log in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing WP Activity Log Free on your website

You deserve a pat on the back for choosing to record user actions and changes on your website. That is the first step towards better user accountability, easier troubleshooting of website security, and many other benefits of issues.


Below are the two ways to install WP Activity Log on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New" and then search for WP Activity Log.

Download the WP Activity Log plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".



Uploading Melapress Login Security as a zip file in WordPress
Melapress Login Security in the WordPress plugin repository

Installing Melapress Login Security Free

Congratulations on taking control of your WordPress website's security by implementing robust login and password policies with Melapress Login Security. You can change your login page URL, limit failed login attempts, and reset passwords.


Below are two ways to install Melapress Login Security on your website:

Go to your plugin dashboard on your site, then go to "Add New" and then search for Melapress Login Security.

Download the Melapress Login Security plugin zip, then select upload in your plugin dashboard under "Add New".